
River Garden Auchincruive nestles into the banks of the River Ayr, it was created around 1800.

The south facing slopes of the garden were used to produce fruit, vegetables and cut flowers for Auchincruive Hall which is located close to the garden. The ornamental garden would have contained many ornamental trees and shrubs as well as herbaceous borders which would have been a riot of colour during the summer months. The garden used to contain many glasshouses, today the only greenhouse remaining is the stove house which is an integral part of the garden and in much need of renovation. The restoration of the stove house forms part of our longer term plans for River Garden.

Today the garden is a mix of formal and informal styles of horticulture, much of which has been carried out in the 20th century. The underlying layout remains the same and two original yew trees remain in the garden. The famous herbaceous borders, which were once regarded as some of the finest and longest in Scotland, were removed in the 1990s.

As we grow our recovery community, it is our vision to bring the garden back to life. We look forward to growing fruit and veg to be used by our residents and also in our Bothy Café with any surplus being sold to visitors.

In the ornamental part of the garden, it is our aim to reinstate the wonderful herbaceous borders, which the grounds were once famous for, and eventually repair and refurbish the glasshouse range at the heart of the garden. 

There is much to be done in the garden and we look forward to creating a space that will be both inspiring and educational for our residents and visitors, be they local, national or international.

Whilst working in the garden, our residents will be learning new skills, gaining practical qualifications and having much fun.

We hope you will enjoy our garden as much as we do!

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